The Greatness of TJ Fredette


There is a ton of excitement for the showdown between #9 BYU hosting #4 San Diego State on Wednesday.  But you should be as excited about TJ Fredette performing before the game!!!

TJ confirmed on his Facebook that he was going to be performing “Amazing” before the game around 7:15.  We were hoping for a hour or even two-hour concert by Cougar Center’s favorite rapper, but “Amazing” will suffice.  Just wear the U.S. Polo white sweater TJ!  That sweater defines the legend.

If you’ve punished your life and are not familiar with TJ Fredette, here’s a little ham & eggs comin at ya in the video above with a glimpse of how TJ performs.  And needless to say where he is performing in this video is probably a tougher crowd to please then the confinds of the Marriott Center on Wednesday night.  Jimmer appears at the end of the video as well.

Get there early to support BYU Basketball and TJ Fredette!