BYU Fantasy Draft- Best Secondary

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Analyzing the BYU Football Fantasy Draft will be Bean Mace, Co-Host of the Cougar Center Podcast.  Follow him on Twitter, @beanmace.  This will be a daily feature this week. So check back for more!

In today’s installment of our fantasy draft recap we switch sides of the ball to the defense. And take a look at which team owner drafted the best secondary.

As before there are several solid units who would be worthy of this great honor. Take for instance @GreenGilb’s  squad that includes Tim McTyer and Derwin Gray, both standout defenders from the 90’s. Or the team which boasts Brian Mitchell and current Athletic Director/four-time Super Bowl Champion, Tom Holmoe, drafted by @Koti_Samani.
But there is one defensive back unit we felt stood out from the rest, and that was the one drafted by Lawless Republic columnist, Robby Huckvale. His four players represented the best combination of size, speed and hitting ability of any team involved in this draft.

Robby took four straight DB’s, starting with Aaron Francisco(2001-04), who was arguably the hardest hitter in BYU history. Francisco was the perfect safety to play “Cougarback” in Coach Mendenhall’s then inventive 3-3-5 scheme. An All-MWC selection, Francisco has gone on to play in Super Bowls and carved out a successful NFL career.

Following Aaron Francisco, Robby selected Jernaro Gilford(1999-2003), Rodney Rice(1986-88) and Joe Sampson(2011-12).

Rice and Gilford were both all conference selections, Rice also received All-American status while leading the nation in interceptions for most of the 1987 season. Joe Sampson was a very hard nosed player, on and off the field, remember Rancherito’s? All jokes aside, Sampson was a very versatile player who could play any position in the secondary.

Stayed tuned tomorrow as we break down the best receiver group in the BYU fantasy draft.

