With the season almost here, pretty much everyone’s making predictions on how BYU football will do. But depending on how the football bounces, the season could head in three different directions.
The countdown to BYU football’s season-opening kickoff continues.
From that first kickoff, no one can predict how the season will play out.
Lots of people will try, with predictions for the season cropping up from pretty much every writer, fan, and dark corner.
So even though there’s a 98 percent chance of being dead wrong, I’ll try my hand at this prediction thing.
But I’ll hedge my bets by making three separate predictions.
See, the funny thing about football seasons is that a few key injuries or a weird bounce of the ball can change the entire course of a season.
Just look at 2014. A Taysom Hill injury separated a potentially magical BYU football run from a ho-hum 8-5 finish.
So my three predictions are based on these possible scenarios:
- The Good – The footballs bounce right and lead to an exceptional season.
- The Meh – The footballs bounce both ways and it’s another slightly above average season.
- The Ugly – Murphy’s Law kicks the Cougars’ tail in a big, big way.