BYU Football: The good, the meh, and the ugly

(Photo by Gene Sweeney Jr/Getty Images)
(Photo by Gene Sweeney Jr/Getty Images) /
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The 2018 BYU Football season could go a number of ways. The Cougars could exceed expectations, meet them, or underperform for a second straight year.

Let’s try this again.

Last season, just before the first game kicked off for BYU Football, I wrote this exact same article for the 2017 season. I argued that the season could go any number of ways, based on how players performed, how many injuries there were, and how the Cougars did in specific key games.

According to that article, the season could basically go three ways:

  • The Good – The footballs bounce right and lead to an exceptional season.
  • The Meh – The footballs bounce both ways and it’s another slightly above average season.
  • The Ugly – Murphy’s Law kicks the Cougars’ tail in a big, big way.

So I went through the schedule, predicting each game based off of those criteria, and reached three different conclusions as to how BYU would finish the season in the win-loss column.

And the Cougars did worse than even my worst prediction.

To me, the ugly season ended with a 6-7 regular season record. It had BYU sneaking into one of the empty bowl slots, playing in the Frisco Bowl.

Four wins and nine losses later, it’s safe to say that I was overly optimistic with my prediction prowess.

I’m not making that mistake again. We’ve now learned that a bad BYU Football team can be really, really bad.

I still believe this season could go any number of ways. So let’s try this whole process all over again, but this time the ugly will be much more ugly.

And who knows, maybe this season they’ll turn the tables and perform even better than my best estimate…