We are 91 days away until BYU Football starts off the season against Utah in the Holy War!
Prime numbers are numbers that only have multiples of itself and one. For example, 17 can not be divided by any whole number other 17 or 1 and still have a whole number. 16 can with 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16. Prime numbers are actually really easy to figure out most of the time from 1-100. Here are some basic rules:
- Any even number that is even outside of two is not a prime number.
- If you can memorize the three’s of every thirty, it is easy to identify a non prime number.
- Any number that ends in a five or zero is not a prime number other than five itself.
- If the numbers add up to nine (81 = 8 + 1 = 9) they are not a prime number.
For those reasons, it is easy to identify that a tough number like 57 is not in fact a prime number despite looking odd. All someone would have to know is that 60 is a multiple of 3 and 60-57 is 3.
Back in middle school I remember being very proud of my ability to identify prime numbers very quickly. We would take those quizzes where in five minutes you have to solve 100 problems. With this one though it was just circling whether a number was prime or not. I missed only one, and it was 91.
91 is odd because it doesn’t follow any of the rules above. It is an odd number that isn’t a multiple of three (this is easy to figure out if you know 90 is a multiple of three), does not end with a five or zero and does not add up to nine when taken apart. The reaction is this is a prime number. Except the fact that 7X13=91.
So what does this have to do with BYU Football? A lot actually. First we are in that weird awkward time period of being close enough to football to be excited about it, but still too far to get invested. Also, given that 91 is an odd and weird number, our next player on our BYU Top 100 players happens to be an odd player as well.