1. Money in Independence isn’t that bad…at all!
For years it has been assumed that if a team is in a Power Five Conference they make a ton of money while teams in the Group of Five schools make about half as much or less. The general belief around Cougar Nation was the BYU did a bit better than the G5 schools, however was a mile behind the P5 schools.
Not true.
BYU actually made more money than some P5 schools last year. The Cougars brought in $80 million dollars ahead of teams like Texas Tech, Iowa State and Washington State. And when compared to teams in the G5 it wasn’t even close. Boise State brought in $38 million and UNLV brought in $42 million.
Perhaps the most interesting part is Utah was at $82 million. So they can’t really claim to be doing that much better than BYU. Finally, these numbers were run before BYU made a huge deal with Nike going into next season, so that $80 million is going to be much higher in the 2019-2020 season.