BYU Football now begins in less than nine weeks.
I’m ready for the season. The whole AAC argument is starting to get a bit old and quite honestly the most likely thing that is going to happen is that the conference will stay at 11 teams and become sort of like the Big 12 with the top two teams playing each other in the championship with not divisions.
I‘ve got my personal views of why BYU should or should not enter the AAC, but I’m wanting to just leave it at that and see what happens. It is time to move on and get ready for the season. This distraction can not be helping the team and it could be dividing the locker room.
The bottom line is that the season is literally just over two months away now and most of our focus needs to return on the that. Sure if an announcement comes (AAC announces they 100% will expand, Navy and Boise State both say no) then sure we can talk about it again, but until something newsworthy comes out of it, I think it is best to just move on.
Today’s player in the countdown features a tailback that only played for two seasons, but he lived in the endzone.