BYU Football begins in only 52 more days!
Yesterday as I was watching the USWNT win the WWC I was amazed at the dominance that the team has had in the World Cup. Out of the eight World Cups ever played, the USA owns half of the championships. Granted, there are still many parts of the world where women aren’t allowed to play professional sports, but regardless, for there to be hundreds of countries out there, and for the US to win four times and the rest of the world win only four times combined, that shows the kind of dominance that they have.
Another interesting part of all this is that it has been over 32 years. Imagine any other team in any other sport dominating over a 32 year span. We think of the Warriors run in the NBA that lasted five seasons. Alabama football has been really good for 11 years. The Lakers had a nice run from 1948-1972 in a 12 team NBA. In other words, I think I am safe in saying that the USWNT is the most dominant sports franchise ever in professional sports going 1st, 3rd, 1st, 3rd, 3rd, 2nd, 1st and 1st in World Cups.
It made me think of BYU’s prime from 1979-1996. Those teams were really good going 11-1 or better five times. As I look back at those teams there was one thing that was common on all of them, a great quarterback. Today’s player features a great quarterbacks that helped tremendously leading into BYU’s dominant period.