Something else
We don’t know what is going on during the practices, or what is happening in the locker room, but something seems off. After all, BYU Basketball now has a multi million dollar practice facility with study rooms, full court basketball courts, a weight room, medical room, film room and team room, and yet we aren’t seeing the progress that it would normally naturally bring. The women are improving on almost no senior leadership or highly recruited players
The reality is, players are leaving the program, and despite the team generally getting older and more experienced the last three seasons, the win totals are going down. I’m not here to make accusations against any one particular player or coach, but something is up, and that needs to be addressed by someone who has that authority.
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Could BYU have made it to the Final Four this year if all the cards had played out right? Probably not, but who knows? In the end, I believe that some players haven’t panned out talentwise what fans hoped for. Sure Emery, Haws and Childs are all really good, as was Mika and Bryant but they weren’t quite NBA/Jimmer level talented. This team likely would be a Sweet Sixteen team and based off of upsets and matchups perhaps an elite eight team.
But we will never know.