Spider Psycho
In the criminally underappreciated Andrew Garfield Spider-Man films, Peter Parker spun a web to run surveillance on the New York City sewer system, which was highly effective. Real-world spiders employ a similar strategy when capturing their prey, sitting in the center of their geometrically woven web and listening carefully to the vibrations of their silky net.
Aside from his spindly frame, Demin's offensive game is likewise arachnoid. Methodically plotting and patiently listening for a defender to get caught in his trap. With a deceptively quick first step and elite court vision, every movement sets the offense in motion, every second drawing closer to a successful offensive trip.
If his defender isn't set, Demin flies past him. When a teammate flashes to the basket, Demin knows when the passing window will open. If the defense is bold enough to give the BYU commit any space from beyond the arc, he'll splash a 3-ball right over the top. Deadly accuracy and a venomous bite await opposing defenses.